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1. 36" Concave with Louvers on a 32' Barn. This is a vinyl cupola that has been painted to match the red barn. |
Barn Cupolas
1-866-400-1776 (610-996-5935)
Open Daily 9:00am - 10:00pm EST Call for Revolutionary Lowest Prices! Choose from our beautiful barn cupola selection.
1-A. Behold our 66" wide vinyl Large Concave with Widows style cupola on a large 54' barn. The cupola has a Red Roof and Base to march the colors of the barn. This spectacular cupola is adorned with our 958P Large Smithsonian Horse Weathervane. The perfect roof addition.
2. Above you can see this 30' Gambrel Roof style barn with our 36" vinyl Concave with Louvers style shown on the roof.
This 36" wide cupola is a perfect fit for this 30' wide barn. A perfect topping for this building.
5. 60" Cedar Carlisle with Arched Windows a 50' cedar barn.7. Two 30" Cedar Board & Batten Concave with Louvers on a 50' long barn roof. Both have Copper Roofs and deer vanes. |
6. Another traditional "Red Barn" cupola painted red.8. 42" Carlisle on a 36' 3-car garage/barn. Here you can see a vinyl cupola painted green to match the barn. |
9. Here you can see a 58' beautiful barn with two 36" wide vinyl A-Series style cupolas on the roof.
The cupolas are perfectly sized and styled for this colorful country barn.
10. This magnificent 100' Cedar barn has a 60" wide Cedar A-Series in the center. On either side is shown a 48" wide Cedar Hartford style cupola. The cupolas are sized perfectly and the barn looks fantastic.
11. Look at this magnificent 50' barn with three 28" wide vinyl CNC Window style cupolas spaced perfectly on this roof.
12. Two big red barns go from night to daylight. On the left you can see a lighted 48" Carlisle style cupola on a 40' barn.
On the right is shown our 42" wide Straight with Double louvers style vinyl cupola on a 36' barn. These cupolas look great!.
13. Two 42" Custom Ellsworth style Vinyl cupolas with both Louvers and Windows on this beautiful Barn Home.15. Three 30" Vinyl Norwood style cupolas on a large "L" shaped red barn with a standing seam roof. USA Built! |
14. One 42" Vinyl Villa cupola in the center with a 30" Vinyl Villa cupola on either side.16. 36" VInyl Carlisle on a 30' Barn, painted to match the barn. The Vinyl Cupolas can be easily painted. |
17. 150' barns with multiple 36", 42" and 48" cupolas. These cupolas were the Milford and Franklin style Sundance metal cupolas. The Sundance cupolas are available in many different colors.
18. Above you can see a 62' barn with two perfectly sized 36" wide Concave with Louvers styles cupolas. Also shown is the 580P Copper Horse Weathervane. These cupolas are the finishing touch to a fantastic looking barn.
19. This 42" wide Vinyl Elite style cupola look terrific on the 24' x 36' wide pole ban. The cupola has a copper roof the is topped off with a Copper WV-303P Wolf Weathervane. Colored aluminum roofs are also available.
20. Above you can see two 200' barns with multiple cupolas. One barn shows a 60" wide Vinyl CNC Window style cupolas in the center and a 48" Vinyl CNC Window style cupola on either side. The other barn has three 48" wide Vinyl CNC Window style cupolas.
21. Another view of the 200' wide barn with a 60" wide cupola in the center and a 48" wide cupola on either side.
22. 65' barn with three Vinyl Hartford style cupolas. The center cupola is 48" wide. The two cupolas shown on either side are 32" wide each. These cupolas are perfectly sized for this large barn roof.
23. 36" wide Vinyl Carlisle style cupola on a 30' wide barn. The inset on the right shows another angle of this 30' wide barn.
24. Two 36" wide Concave with Louvers style cupolas on a 50' wide roof. The cupolas have Galvalume Roofs.
25. 72' barn/garage with two 36" Vinyl Concave with Louvers style cupolas on top. Cupolas have charcoal grey roofs.
26. 110' barn with four 42" Vinyl Hartford style cupolas with Copper Roofs. Louvered cupolas can provide ventilation.
27. Above you can see a 48" wide Concave with Double Windows style cupola on a 40' wide roof. This is a vinyl cupola that has been painted brown to match the barn. Also shown with this cupola is the 40" Morgana Finial and the Beacon Lantern behind the cupola windows.
Beverly & Rick at the Lancaster County Cupola Showcase. You can see our many cupola styles and the new PVC Cedar style cupolas. Let us fill all of your cupola and roof top needs.
Video: CNC Window (Introduction)
For a free digital quote showing how our cupola will look on your roof,
Send your house/ building photos/ architects plans to:
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Send your house/ building photos/ architects plans to:
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The diagram here is to help you determine the proper size cupola for your building. A general rule of thumb is a minimum of 1.25" of cupola for every foot of unbroken roof ridge line. In this case of a 24' long building the recommended size of cupola would be 30" or greater. A 30" cupola is properly sized but a 36" model looks very good too.
One diagram shows a 24" cupola which appears too small. |