However, if you are thinking of purchasing an antique cupola to place on your barn, you might be getting more than you bargained for. You may struggle to find a cupola that meets the specifications and requirements of your roof. Even if you find one, it might take a lot of work to make sure you can get a tight, secure, waterproof seal between it and your roof. You also can’t be certain what condition it is in: has it warped? Cracked? Developed leaks? Has its structural integrity been damaged?
Rather than rolling the dice on an antique barn cupola, why not make one of your own? At Valley Forge Cupolas, we can help you recreate the look of antique cupolas with our custom designs. Simply send us a picture of a cupola you like, and our Pennsylvania craftsmen can recreate it.
Custom cupolas also offer greater flexibility. If you are torn between two cupolas - you like the roof on one but the window design on the other - we can combine the features you like into one cupola. If you try to purchase an antique barn cupola, you may have to settle for “close enough” instead of perfect.