When you invest in a barn, you want it last. The most dangerous thing to a barn is warm, humid, stagnant air. The moist air can lead to mold and mildew growth, which can lead to wood rot and jeopardize the structural integrity of the barn; not to mention damaging the contents of the barn. If your barn is used to shelter animals, this unhealthy air can be dangerous to their health, leading to sickness and even death.
Early on, American farmers started sealing barns tightly in winter to reduce the amount of feed required by the animals. However, these airtight barns were not without problems. The steam from the animals’ breath, plus the fumes from their droppings, led to accumulated moisture. Opening the barn doors to alleviate the moisture defeated the purpose of an airtight barn - dropping the temperature so that the animals required more feed and the cows produced less milk. But not alleviating the moisture led to mildew, rot, and sickness in the animals.
Enter the cupola. Cupolas provide ventilation in the roof, drawing out warm, stale air and recycling cool, fresh air into the barn. Cupolas eliminate both moisture and fumes without significantly dropping the temperature of the barn.
Cupolas are also crucial during the summer. Not only do they help alleviate heat inside the barn, they prevent fires in the hayloft. Wet hay produces chemical reactions that build heat. Since hay also insulates, the inside of a haystack doesn’t receive sufficient cooling to offset the heat. When the haystack’s internal temperature rises above 130 degrees Fahrenheit, it is actually at risk of spontaneous combustion. Cupolas can add sufficient ventilation to dry the hay without producing either mold or fire.
Metal Barn Cupolas from Valley Forge Cupolas and Weathervanes
Metal barn cupolas can help prevent costly damages to your barn and improve your animals’ health. Their aesthetic appeal can also turn “a barn” into “the barn.” That is an investment that keeps on giving! Call us today at 866-400-1776 to order a cupola for your barn.