●Toasters or other appliances
●Vacuum cleaners or other cleaning supplies
●A scale or gym membership
●Anything from the seasonal aisle of the drug store (a stuffed bear, cheap chocolates, etc.)
●A fast food dinner (especially drive-through!)
“But I don’t know what they want!” you cry. Here’s the good news: most Valentines say they just want something that is thoughtful and practical. (Because how much can you do with a 5-foot teddy bear, really?) Your significant other is just looking for a gift that shows you put thought into it, that you were thinking about their wants and likes. And even better is incorporating a public demonstration of your love with that gift.
Nothing Says “Forever” Like Architecture
Cupolas have a long, romantic history in American architecture. Cupolas were used to access and provide shelter from widow’s walks on coastal homes. The wives of mariners would use these lookouts to keep watch for their seafaring husbands’ return. Today you can grace the roof of your home with a cupola, reminding your spouse of your unending love every time they return home.