Choosing the Right Roof Finial for Your Home
Secondly, you must choose a style and finish. We have 16 styles to choose from, all of which are available in a polished copper finish that will develop a beautiful patina over time. Select styles also offer verdigris, brass, black matte, and black gloss finishes that will add charm and personality to your home. Our styles are inspired by Arthurian legend, classic Smithsonian and Boston designs, even the pagoda temples of Japan. From our 13” Avalon finial to the 40” Aragon finial, there is something for everyone.
Finials are the Perfect Finishing Flourish
Designed to match Old World styles and craftsmanship, our exquisite handcrafted roof finials will provide a stunning focal point to your home for years to come. If you’re looking to add flair to your home, call us at 866-400-1776 today.